Okay, okay! I'm just teasing! These questions aren't really annoying. Actually this section was made to cover mails with questions that are VERY frequent, and thus I figured I could address them all in one place at one time! Have Fun & Beware, this is a LONG page! Line
Questions Anyone?
(Visitors) Q : Who is your favorite Powerpuff Girl?
(Sunstar - PPC) A : Bubbles*.
Q : Can I take images from the PPC gallery to use for (misc purposes) ...?
A : Yes! You absolutely can! That's what the PPC image galleries are there for! The only thing I ask is that you 1) Do not take any image that has been altered for use on this website. 2) Be sure to download it directly to your own server! I say this because the image files tend to change every once in a while and if you link directly it will give you a broken link! Also, it slows MY page down so please just be sure to take it to your site! 3) If you can, a small link to PPC would be nice so that others may find out about the Galleries too!


Q : What do you use to make your images & website?!?

A : I use PhotoLine5 to render the images and also I use IE Frontpage Express for the website's layout and type. You can get a free version of PhotoLine5 from one of your friendly warez sites.

Q :Joining a LinkExchange or Webring.
A : This isn't really a question but it's something I want to discuss. I own the Powerpuff Girls Webring and LinkExchange. It seems that most people don't know what a URL is. No one has asked what one is but I feel like explaining anyway. A URL simply put is a link. It could be a link to your site or to an image/banner. When people fill out the LinkExchange form they never fill out the URL space. This starts to get annoying after the first 10 times or so. Maybe they do it on purpose to annoy me. I'm not sure. Sometimes people just put in letters and at other times they put in their e-mail addresses. I just hope this clears up what it means.
Q : Bubbles will you be my friend?
A : First of all my name is not Bubbles! It is Sunstar! When I get this question I feel like screaming! I don't know what people are thinking when they ask me this question, maybe they think I'm bubbles, I don't know. I will gladly be your friend but at least call me by my name. I know bubbles is my favorite ppg but I don't like her so much that people start calling me by her name. If you wan't to call someone bubbles there are ppg fans around the web that want to be called bubbles, you know, the one's that claim they look like her. Anyway please don't e-mail me and call me bubbles. Thanks.*

Q : Who is your favorite villian?

A : "Mojo Jojo!"..."curses!"

Q : How do you make a web site?

A : This is one of the most frequently asked questions. I always start out by saying you have to get a page host like geocities.com or theglobe.com to host you. You have to upload pictures to your host and you put HTML into a page editor. Of course there's more to it than this but these are pretty much the basics. Instead of asking me you should go to an HTML help page and they can explain a lot, more than me at least. If your going to make a page make sure you have a laid out idea for it. :)


Q : Can you e-mail me some pictures of the Powerpuff Girls?

A : If I didn't have a big ol' gallery full of pictures the answer would be yes but that's not the case at the moment. I don't get why people want me to send them pictures when I've already provided a whole gallery full of them. If you guys think I have more pictures than what are already provided then your wrong. I will add more in the future so please be patient. I will take requests for my galleries, or you can send me pictures that you would like me to add, it's not problem. Remember I don't care if you take the pictures in the galleries, they were put there for you to enjoy.


Q : In the episode, "Paste Makes Waste" does Buttercup like that Mitchell(sp?) kid?

A : Buttercup likes Mitchell for a friend and I believe that's all. Who knows, the Powerpuff Crew could make it into something more serious but for now from what I've seen they're just friends. Buttercup liked how Mitchell picked on poor ol' Elmer.

Q : How did you make the cursors on your main pages?

A : The cursor thing is called a love mouse. It's javascript. You can find the code at JavaC. I thought it was very hard to put up. It took several tries to make it right. I think all the effort was worth it though, I like it a lot, it really spiffs up a page. If you guys aren't very good at html then I wouldn't suggest trying to add one to your site, if you get confused you can e-mail me and ask for help, I'll be happy to help.

Q : Where can I find Powerpuff Girl Merchaindice?

A : So far the only thing I've seen in real life was some t-shirts in the Hot Topic store at the mall in Columbia, MO. I'm sure they're in all the Hot Topic stores around the country(I love Hot Topic stores! I collect Sailor Moon stuff and they have a ton of it!) There's a lot of merchaindice talk around the internet. The best place to learn about what's new is at powerpuff.com, that's where I always check to see what's new. So far there's a Cartoon Medely CD out that has the Powerpuff Girls Ending Theme on it and a new Scooby Dew movie that has the Boogie Frights episode on it. There's talk that very soon there's going to be comics coming out and maybe even dolls! That would be great! I'm not sure about anything else, this is all I know at the moment. Check back and I might add more.
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